Today, we can witness the latest and updated information with every single tap. A simple website or application having plain text and a boring theme is not what people like nowadays. Any website or application should consist of engaging, user-friendly elements to surf well in the vast ocean of the internet. To maintain the requirements of rapidly developing technology, some new-age developers worked hard to build something top-notch yet user-friendly to ease the programmer’s tasks. Therefore, developers invented the faster and more operative website development framework of Javascript, Mean Stack. The benefit is that the main stack works best in easing the job of developers and users. This purpose-serving framework stands at the peak of demands. 

If you are interested in becoming a mean stack developer, you should first learn what a mean stack, its components, and its benefits are, then decide whether pursuing a role in this field is right for you or not. Here we have rounded up the complete guide about mean stack and mean stack developer, sharing details about the skills required and others.

What is Mean Stack?

The perfect solution for creating dynamic applications and websites is the user-friendly stack called “Mean Stack.” The mean stack, aka a collection of JavaScript technologies, is used to develop fast and robust web-based applications and primarily for cloud-ready applications. MEAN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js. Thus, from client to server and from server to database, everything in the mean stack framework is based on JavaScript.

Components of Mean Stack

The four technology pieces in the mean stack include:

  • MongoDB express is a NoSQL database system which does not contain relations or schema options. Additionally, it consists of a coherent way of sorting out data in a highly organized matter. You can save a large amount of unorganized data here by using JavaScript.
  • Express JS is a framework used to build websites and web applications in Node.js. The framework allows users to create the website in the most customizable way. Moreover, this incredible platform is open source; you can use Express JS to retrieve data, query databases or responses. 
  • AngularJS is a JavaScript open-source framework for front-end activities developed by Google. The framework is used to formulate one-page sites and applications; also, you can fix web application bugs and resolve front-end issues with Angular JS.
  • Node.js is a super easy back-end platform capable of reading and executing code to help function sites and web applications. You can use this framework to create any sort of website and application; the best part is its readily available and open-source platform. 

What is Mean Stack Developer?

A mean stack developer is a technical professional with vast expertise in stack tools. In addition, mean developers have extensive knowledge of JavaScript frameworks and associated programs to create top-notch websites and applications. The mean developers’ specialty is working on both the front-end and back-end of JavaScript applications. There are several responsibilities of a mean developer that include:

  • Architect, test, and create robust, highly responsive applications that can grow in size quickly.
  • Design and maintain large, complex databases for clients where they can store or retrieve data.
  • Identify and fix production and non-production application issues as part of the deployment.
  • Integrate and establish existing applications with other sites and software as needed.
  • Deploy applications on AWS cloud with the ability to remove errors and other hosting-related issues. 

Mean Stack Developer VS Full-Stack Developer

A mean developer is a full stack developer that focuses and uses MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js for website creation. They have knowledge of some specific parts of web development. In contrast, full-stack developers know all web development stages but are not experts on all layers of development. Full-stack developers only possess the functional knowledge and expertise that helps them build a web application. In addition, the full-stack developers contain vast skills in basic web technologies like CSS/HTML, JavaScript, databases, back-end language, and web storage. Moreover, they have knowledge of web application architecture, HTTP, basic algorithms and data structures, REST, and Git.

Skills That a Mean Stack Developer Should Have

There are numerous essential skills that a mean developer should have if he wants to excel in their role. Try following these skills to be an expert in mean development and pursue this career ideally.

  • JavaScript: As mentioned above, mean stack is all about JavaScript, which means if you want to become a mean stack developer, you should have command of the JavaScript coding language. Deep knowledge of JavaScript is essential; you must know coding and should be aware of using related tools, including third-party libraries and databases. 
  • Mean Stack Expertise: Ability to work with MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js.
  • Web Technologies: To become a mean developer, you should have the necessary knowledge of web technologies like internet servers, protocols, and cloud technology. Similarly, you should know cloud architecture deeply and must learn how to program applications that can function on different devices. 
  • Research Skills: Mostly, people ignore research skills, but it’s crucial for a mean developer to know how to research. It often happens when a developer is stuck in a problem and can’t find the solution; the research skills work there. A great mean stack developer will identify the problem and use the research platforms to see how to get rid of the issue. A simple search can save you long hours and make you out of a particular problem. 
  • Communication and Collaboration Skills: As a mean developer, you must communicate with clients and understand their unique requirements. So your communication skills should be on point. Also, you can manage a team of developers perfectly under your supervision and build new top-notch software if you communicate and collaborate properly with the team.

Final Words

A mean stack developer’s future is brightened, as he is a desirable and highly paid professional. Because having expertise in diverse skills and experience; mean developers receive impressive salaries and tremendous growth opportunities. The mean stack developers work as technical architects and possess great expertise in building robust websites and application frameworks. There is always a great need for an experienced, expert mean stack developer in almost every organization. Therefore, if you have experience working with various code languages and are ready to get your hands on a diverse skill set, you can successfully become a mean stack developer.